Bio identical Hormone treatment San Marcos, TX - Horizon Hormone Therapy

What are Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are natural hormones that are structurally identical to the hormones made in the human body. They are formulated from plant sources and tuned to match the molecular structure of hormones produced in the human endocrine system.

Bioidentical hormones include:

The crucial difference between bioidentical hormones and synthetic ones is that bioidentical hormones are biologically and chemically equivalent to endogenous human hormones. This means your body recognizes and utilizes them effectively.

Why Bioidentical Hormones are Better Than Synthetic

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How Custom Prescriptions of Bioidentical Hormones Work

Bioidentical hormones are prescribed in individually customized formulations, doses, and treatment methods based on your:

This level of personalization leads to better safety, efficacy, and patient satisfaction.

Advanced Testing is Crucial for Bioidentical HRT

Comprehensive testing of hormone levels is vital before beginning bioidentical HRT to:

At Horizon Hormone Therapy, we specialize in state-of-the-art diagnostics to best evaluate patients' unique needs.

Who Can Benefit from Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Bioidentical hormones can provide life-changing relief for both women and men suffering from hormone imbalance (low or high levels). They can help patients with symptoms including:

In Perimenopausal and Menopausal Women

Balancing estrogen, progesterone and testosterone with bioidentical HRT enhances physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing in perimenopausal and menopausal women.

In Men

In men over 30, testosterone levels begin decreasing at about 1-2% per year. This leads to distressing symptoms like:

In men, restoring optimal testosterone levels via bioidentical TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) can successfully resolve these concerns.

For Those with Chronic Diseases

Studies support the use of bioidentical hormones to ease symptoms and decelerate disease progression in patients with:

Precision bioidentical hormones can drastically upgrade health and function in many chronic illnesses that involve hormonal imbalance.

Experience the life-changing relief of bioidentical hormones.

What are the Major Benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy?

Customized bioidentical hormone replacement delivers wide-ranging benefits by re-establishing ideal hormonal equilibrium tailored to your individual needs, including:

Balanced Mood and Energy

Imbalanced hormones often manifests as emotional turbulence and fatigue. Optimizing hormones with bioidentical therapy helps stabilize mood, outlook, motivation and energy.

Enhanced Mental Capacity

Mental fogginess, difficulty concentrating and memory lapses are common with hormone imbalance. Bioidentical hormones sharpen cognition, focus and memory recall.

Restored Sex Drive and Function

Plunging testosterone contributes to diminished sex drive and performance in both men and women. Bioidentical testosterone renews sexual desire and responsiveness.

Healthy Weight Management

Hormonal imbalance is linked to increased belly fat and reduced capacity to shed excess weight. Bioidentical hormones help regulate metabolism and promote healthy body composition.

Stronger Bones and Muscles

Osteoporosis susceptibility and loss of muscle mass are concerns, especially after midlife. Bioidentical hormones spur bone building and maintain lean muscle mass.

Better Sleep Patterns

Hormone issues like night sweats or sleeplessness interfere with much needed rest. Balancing hormones with bioidentical therapy supports healthy sleep cycles.

The list of documented benefits keeps growing as prestigious medical centers conduct ongoing research on bioidentical hormone therapy.

Signs and Symptoms That You May Benefit From Bioidentical HRT

Bioidentical hormone therapy is generally very safe under professional medical oversight. However, not all symptoms that develop during menopausal or andropausal transition are clearly due to shifting hormones.

Comprehensive testing is key - it reveals objective data on whether your hormone changes are causing concerning symptoms.

Common red flags include:

Hot Flashes/Night Sweats

Sudden body temperature spikes causing intense warmth with flushing and perspiring indicate falling estrogen. This disturbing symptom affects up to 85% of middle-aged women and 10% of middle-aged men.

Vaginal Dryness

Discomfort during intimacy signals waning estrogen. Nearly half of postmenopausal women experience painful intercourse due to vulvovaginal atrophy.

Weight Gain/Belly Fat

Accumulation of hard-to-lose abdominal fat despite healthy lifestyle could reflect an imbalance between estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

Erectile Dysfunction

Trouble achieving/maintaining firm erections is a hallmark of sliding testosterone and rising estrogen in men. This impacts over 50% of men by age 50.

Loss of Libido

Evaporating sex drive often parallels declining androgens. It affects up to 60% of menopausal women and 70% of older men with low testosterone.


Sudden moodiness like sadness, anger or apathy aligns with hormone imbalance, notably low progesterone and testosterone. Up to 50% have mood issues in perimenopause.

Memory/Concentration Lapses

Estrogen supports memory and testosterone powers concentration. Deficiency manifests as fogginess, distraction and recollection troubles. Up to 70% experience memory glitches in menopause.

DIY tests from wellness websites may not provide sufficient or accurate data to determine if hormones are the root cause of troubling symptoms. Professional hormone testing and evaluation delivers definitive answers into your hormone balance.

This level of precision enables our doctors to design personalized bioidentical hormone treatment to target the root reasons you feel unwell.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. The body processes both types similarly, and there is limited evidence on long-term safety or cancer risks of bioidentical hormones from large, robust studies.

Your Local Experts in Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

The nationally respected physicians and staff at Horizon Hormone Therapy specialize exclusively in integrative hormone health. We offer a comprehensive range of advanced hormone optimization services, including:

Innovative Testing and Diagnostics

Custom Bioidentical Hormone Treatments

Enhancing Lifestyle Guidance

We are dedicated to profoundly upgrading how you look, feel and function at every age through precision balancing of bioidentical hormones. Our passion is troubleshooting the root reasons you struggle with frustrating symptoms and empowering you to age vibrantly on your terms.

Convenient Community-Based Care

Locally owned and operated in San Marcos, Horizon Hormone Therapy offers personalized VIP medical care focused wholly on your hormone and wellness goals.

We know the fast pace and stress load in this part of Texas can profoundly tax people's hormone health. That's why we offer services tailored to the lifestyle, climate and environmental exposures unique to the San Marcos region.

As your locale hormone health experts, you can turn to us for testing, cutting edge bioidentical treatments, nutrition strategies and lifestyle upgrades to thrive through hormone changes specific to you.

We simplify the process so you can access top-tier integrative care without driving halfway across the state or waiting months for appointments. Our welcoming offices provide members-only amenities to make optimizing hormones easy and enjoyable.

You are unique - your hormones should be too.

We don't take cookie-cutter approaches because no two patients have identical needs.

Our doctors, nurses and staff specialize solely in precision bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. We stay at the leading-edge of best practices through advanced fellowships in age management medicine, regenerative biotherapy and applied functional nutrition.

This exceptional expertise means we can accurately troubleshoot your root reasons for hormonal imbalance and craft fully customized treatment plans.

You'll have our undivided attention during long visits focused wholly on your concerns and goals. We'll get to know you as a whole person who wants to feel their best - not just symptoms and lab numbers.

Together we'll develop a master plan aligned with your distinct biochemistry using the safest, most effective options from both traditional and progressive medicine.

Start Feeling Like Your Best Self!

Don't resign yourself to feeling lousy and off as you get older - low energy, weight gain and lost libido are not inevitable! Often it indicates waning hormones that can be successfully rebalanced if identified and treated early.

Bioidentical hormone therapy can help you tackle symptoms at the root cause so you can start living your life fully again.

The first step is getting smart about what's happening inside your body. We're here to listen, answer all your questions and partner on creating your peak vitality plan!

Discover the benefits of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy today!

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